Spots in Makkah to visit (Ziyarah)

Utilize side trips and excursions to the fullest on your pilgrimage to Makkah for spiritual purposes. You can arrange for tour guides to take you to significant locations throughout. The city and provide a brief explanation of each location’s historical significance. The places you should see while in Makkah are listed below.

Al-Mukarramah Maktaba

Maktaba Makkah-al-Mukarramah, which is situated near She’eb Banu Hashim in Makkah, is the location of the Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be upon Him) birthplace. This area, which was formerly a mountain, has been transformed into a national library. The Holy Mosque can be reached on foot.

Jabal Nour

Jabal al-Nour, sometimes called “Hill of Illumination” or “Mountain of Light,” is well-known for the cave Hira. The first of the Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be Upon Him) numerous revelations was given to him here. From its summit, this granite hill, which can be seen for miles around, provides breathtaking views of Makkah and the Holy Mosque.There are 1750 stairs leading to the 640 m (2,100 ft) tall mountain. The challenging climb to the cave takes an hour and a half to two hours.

The Aisha Mosque

With a capacity for 47,000 worshippers, Masjid Aisha, also known as Masjid Tan’eem, is the second-largest mosque in Makkah. The loving wife of Mohammad (Peace be upon Him), Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her), prepared to enter Ihram in this location. Thus, for Makkah inhabitants planning to perform the Hajj, Umrah, or a second Umrah, this Masjid acts as a miqat (border for entering the holy condition of Ihram). As a result, it has a substantial number of restrooms and swimming pools.

Mosque of Al Jinn

A few jinns who were passing by once stopped what they were doing to listen to the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) recite the Qur’an. They later adopted Islam and converted to the faith. Masjid Al Jinn was initially underground when it was constructed in 1700. A clearly modern minaret and angular style have recently been added to the old Mosque.

Jabal Thur

One of the mountains that encircle the valley in which Makkah is located is Jabal Thur. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) and his traveling companion Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with Him) took refuge in this cave for three days while traveling from Makkah to Madinah to avoid the Quraish tribe. Allah sent a spider to spin a web at the entrance of the cave to protect them, keeping the attackers from looking inside and locating them. Since then, the cave has come to stand for belief and optimism.

The Jannatul-Mu’alla


Many of the ancestors and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) are claimed to be buried in Jannat-al-Mu’alla, the second-most well-known cemetery in the Islamic world, including his mother Aminah, grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and his first wife Khadijah. It is roughly a kilometer away and can be reached on foot in 15 minutes. It is situated to the north of the revered Mosque.

Mosque of Al Hudaibiyah

This Masjid was constructed near the site of the Hudaibiyah Treaty. One night, the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) dreamed that he was performing Umrah in Makkah. When He revealed the dream to His friends, they made the decision to perform Umrah. Mataf Travels has offered 5 star ramadan umrah packages for those who like to visit holy locations.The treaty of Hudaibiyah, which was drafted by Makkah’s unbelievers in place of allowing the Muslims entry, consists of 10 stipulations that suit them.

Masjid al Bay’ah/Masjid Aqabah

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) met with tribe chiefs from Madinah who were en route to the Ka’bah at the location on Aqabah (Uqbah) Hill on which this mosque is located. They swore allegiance to Islam after the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) read from the Qur’an and introduced them to Allah. Masjid Al Bay’ah, which means “pledge,” was the name given to the mosque that Caliph Abu Jafar Al Mansur later erected on this site.


Due to the cool spring rains and dry, mild summers, Ta’if, which is located high in the Al Sarawat Mountains east of Makkah, is a lush city with an abundance of green grass, lush trees, and blossoming flowers. In the tenth year of his prophethood, the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) traveled there to preach. The people of Ta’if disregarded His admonition and instructed their kids to pelt the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) with rocks and stones, causing him to bleed.

Mosque of Al Ji’rana

For Makkah inhabitants planning to perform the hajj or umrah, this mosque on the road to Ta’if serves as a miqat (border for entering the holy state of Ihram). After the Battle of Hunain, the Prophet (PBUH) halted in Masjid Al Ji’ranah and performed Ihram before moving on to the holy city.


Mina, often known as the “City of Tents,” provides air-conditioned tents as short-term lodging for Hajj pilgrims. Pilgrims throw rocks at the jamarat (stone wall), which marks the location where Satan accosted Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be Upon Him).

Mosque of Al Khayf

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and many other prophets prayed in this well-known place of prayer, which is situated on the outskirts of Mina’s tent city. The mosque, which was once a simple building encircled by a thin wall, has been enlarged to hold 25,000 pilgrims.

Masjid of Bilal Ibn Rabah

The renowned Prophet (Peace be upon Him) friend and prayer caller Bilal previously lived in this Masjid (May Allah be pleased with Him).


Pilgrims who are performing the Hajj journey to Arafaat. In this location, people combine their Dhuhr and Asr prayers before spending the full day making du’a.

Mount Arafah and Jabal Rahma

This is the peak where, after receiving Allah’s forgiveness, Hawwa (May Allah Be Pleased With Her) and Prophet Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) were reunited on Earth.

Mosque of Al Nimra

This Masjid is the location of the discourse the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) gave during His final Hajj. At the precise location of the Prophet’s (Peace be upon Him) discourse, Waadi Urana, the Masjid was constructed in the second century of Islam. That portion of the Masjid is obviously outside the bounds as Waadi Urana is outside the Arafat boundaries. When the mosque was later expanded. It was split into two sections: the front half, where the original mosque stood, was outside Arafat, while the back section was inside Arafaat’s bounds.

Clock tower Museum

This museum transports visitors back in time and provides them a quick tour of the cosmos. It demonstrates how ancient humans used the sun, moon, and galaxies to measure time.

The museum is open daily from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Without the deck view, tickets are 150 Saudi Riyals and are 75 Saudi Riyals.

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