A Complete Guide to Taking Care of Bedding

Even though we spend a big part of our lives in bed, our sheets and bedding frequently receive poor treatment. Perhaps in part because caring for them falls under the category of dreary tasks, but also because providing for them requires understanding some of the more complex mysteries that housekeeping has to offer: But it’s crucial to take good care of the items we use to decorate our beds to maximise their longevity.

One simple good night’s sleep can inspire you to make the greatest choices for your bed, including bedclothes, mattresses, pillows (and pillowcases), duvets, and blankets. Given that we sleep for more than a third of our waking hours, it makes sense to treat our beds with the same level of respect as we treat ourselves. It only makes sense to devote a little bit more effort to maintaining a clean sleeping environment given the enormous impact it may have on both our mental and physical well-being. 

According to experts, our bodies relax and regenerate as we sleep, shedding skin cells and secreting body oils as a result. As gross as it may sound, maintaining good bedding hygiene practices is the key to getting a good night’s sleep. Continue reading to learn how to properly care for your pillows and sheets so that you may get the restful sleep you so desperately need. By the way, if you are looking for some of the best bedding then browse T and a Textiles hosiery luxury bedding.

Pillows and Sheets Covers

Your entire body is supported by your sheets; therefore you should follow a strict washing and drying schedule if you tend to get warm while you sleep. It’s not simple, but it’s important to do it at least once a week to clean all of the dust, filth, lotions, makeup, skin products, and oils off of the sheets and pillowcases. Before you put them in the washer, soak them for a few minutes in warm water and detergent. It is important to check the label for washing recommendations if your sheets feature delicate trimmings, lace, or embroidery.

Make careful to dry the sheets for at least a few hours in the dryer or the sun after washing them. To avoid mildew, make sure the sheets are completely dry before folding and storing them. Another great method to make sure they stay crisp for a longer time if you have the time is to iron them.


The secret to restful sleep is a pillow that is soft and full. While pillows must often be dry-cleaned, some of them can also be cleaned at home. Alternatively, you may just machine-wash them in warm water with a little detergent, following the care recommendations on the label. The best way to ensure that the soapy residue is removed from the entire inside layers of pillows is to wash them several times. Place it outside in the sun to thoroughly sanitise it after a drying cycle.


To ensure that your duvets last for many years, it is advisable to use a cover to shield them from normal wear and strain. While the duvet itself shouldn’t be washed too frequently, the covers can be periodically washed, just like your sheets. The duvet cover should be machine washed once every two months, and the duvet should be professionally cleaned about every two to three years. Fluffing your duvet thoroughly every morning is the greatest approach to preserving its quality throughout the day. To clear any interior clumping, let the air filter in and out.


Although durable, blankets also tend to get quite soiled. Consider cleaning them every two months. The best course of action is to wash them, but if you’re up for doing them yourself, run warm water, a little detergent, and a warm drying cycle through your washing machine. To avoid reusing or storing damp thick blankets, make sure they are totally dry before doing so.

It Matters What Detergent You Use

The kind of detergent you use has an impact on how long your bedding lasts. It is advised to only use non-chlorine bleach for spot cleaning and a mild liquid detergent for general cleaning. You may get away with using a bit less detergent because using too much might result in the build-up, which eventually causes the sheets’ natural fibres to become weaker. If you want to make your bedding more colourful without causing damage, use vinegar and baking soda.

The Bottom Line

Maintaining your bedding’s cleanliness, freshness, and condition by properly washing and caring for it can help it last longer. To preserve the bedding’s quality and functionality, follow the care recommendations, arrange the bedding by type and colour, address stains before laundering, stay away from hot water and high heat, and store it in the right way. Your bedding may last for many years while still being comfortable and enjoyable with the proper care.

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